Dear Parents,

It is getting close to that time when we get to deliver all of our goodies from our 5th grade camp fundraiser. However, before we can deliver it, we have to receive it from the Goodies Factory and give it to you.

Hopefully that is where your help and expertise will come into play.

As a 5th grade, we are looking for 2-3 helpers from each class to come in on Tuesday, November 13th from 2:00 to around 5:00 to help with getting the goodies separated and dispersed to the individual students and families. You can come and go as you like, you do not need to stay the entire time. The delivery needs to be separated, double checked, and put into groups for pick-up before 3:15.  Parental pick-up is 3:15-5:15.

If you would like to volunteer your time, please let your classroom teacher know and we will sign you up. Please let us know by this Sunday (Nov. 11) so we have an idea of how many volunteers we can expect.

Thanks for everything you’ve done this year.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact Mr. Bialochowski and he will help answer you inquiry.

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