Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
- An email was sent to parents this week regarding virtual conferences which will be held on March 8th or March 10th. Please check your inbox for an email from your child’s classroom teacher and sign up for a time slot on the link provided if you haven’t already done so.
March Reading Month
- Georgetown will be celebrating reading for the month of March. We will have a school wide western theme of Saddle Up & Read! (Tied to Book Fair’s “Wild West” theme.)
- A Daily/Weekly Reading Goal calendar will be sent home with the students. As a parent you will sign the log agreeing that your child read for the 5th grade weekly goal. Goal for 5th grade is 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes per week. If they reach this goal their name will be put in a weekly drawing.
- We will have dress up days each Friday in March. Our next dress up day is Friday, March 12. We welcome you to dress like a cowboy or cowgirl and wear flannel or plaid.
Book Fair
- As in the Fall, there will be a book fair for the kids to shop in person or online during conference week. Our preview day is Monday and our shopping day is Wednesday.
Class Chromebooks
Our chromebooks have arrived! If your child wants to bring in a pair of wired headphones, we encourage them to keep their headphones in a labeled ziplock bag.
Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
- An email was sent to parents this week regarding virtual conferences which will be held on March 8th or March 10th. Please check your inbox for an email from your child’s classroom teacher and sign up for a time slot on the link provided.
March Reading Month
- Georgetown will be celebrating reading for the month of March. We will have a school wide western theme of Saddle Up & Read! (Tied to Book Fair’s “Wild West” theme.)
- A Daily/Weekly Reading Goal calendar will be sent home with the students. As a parent you will sign the log agreeing that your child read for the 5th grade weekly goal. Goal for 5th grade is 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes per week. If they reach this goal their name will be put in a weekly drawing.
- We will have dress up days each Friday in March. The first date, Friday March 5th, will be Hats Off To Reading. Wear a hat, bandana or handkerchief!
- Book Fair
- As in the Fall, there will be a book fair for the kids to shop in person or online during conference week. Watch for more information.
Early release on March 5, 2021
- We are continuing Unit 5: Division with Whole Numbers and Decimals
- We are focusing on themes and continuing to create a literary essay about the theme found in our book club books.
- Since we’re asking students to spend a few extra minutes reading to complete the reading month calendar, we will not have our normal weekly reading homework sheet for the month of March.
Social Studies:
- We are learning about the events that lead to the Revolutionary War.
- Please make sure your child comes to school with a jacket and outdoor clothing appropriate for the weather.
- Parent teacher conferences will be held in early March. Like in the fall, our conferences will be held via Zoom. Watch for an email with a sign up link coming soon.
- STAR Testing reports will come home in a white, sealed envelope on Friday, February 19. These are sent home on behalf of the district to fulfill State of Michigan requirements. We will discuss and interpret these at our upcoming parent-teacher conferences in March.
- Quick reminder to relay the importance of having your child wear their mask appropriately while in school.
What’s Coming up-Week of February 15-19, 2021
- Please make sure your child comes to school with a jacket and outdoor clothing appropriate for the weather
- We are beginning Unit 5: Division with Whole Numbers and Decimals
- We are focusing on themes and will begin writing a literary essay about the theme found in our book club books.
Social Studies:
- We are continuing to explore our unit on life in colonial America.
A message from Mrs. Totten Georgetown’s STEAM teacher.
- Our class will record their concussion videos in STEAM on Monday, Feb. 15. They are welcome to bring props and dress up! 🙂
- Please make sure your child comes to school with a jacket and outdoor clothing appropriate for the weather. Boots, snow pants, gloves, and hats are all highly encouraged! 😉
- We are beginning Unit 5: Division with Whole Numbers and Decimals
- We are focusing on themes and will begin writing a literary essay about the theme found in our book club books.
Social Studies:
- We are continuing to explore our unit on life in colonial America.
Valentine’s Day
In fifth grade, we do not have individual parties for Valentine’s Day. We will have an optional Valentine exchange. If your child chooses to participate, please have him or her bring a Valentine for each student in the class.